Bienvenido a la página del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lucanidae Ibéricos. Es una página dedicada a promover un mayor conocimiento sobre la taxonomía, distribución, abundancia y biología de los distintos Lucanidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibérica. Además se incluye información sobre el estado de conservación de estos escarabajos en la Península Ibérica y en el resto de Europa. Si te interesan los Lucanidae, anímate y colabora en alguno de los proyectos del GTLI.
El GTLI no se dedica a la compra, venta o intercambio de Lucanidae. Cualquier captura o intercambio se hará con propósitos puramente científicos y tras solicitar los permisos requeridos por las autoridades.
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Welcome to the homepage from the Working Group on Iberian Lucanidae. This homepage intends to improve the knowledge about taxonomy, distribution, abundance and biology of the Lucanidae (Coleoptera) species from the Iberian peninsula. In addition, information is included about the conservation status of these beetles in the Iberian peninsula and Europe. If you are interested in Lucanidae, participate in any of GTLI’s projects.
Part of the information contained in this homepage is considered of interest to Spanish readers only and has not been translated to English. This information is indicated in the text as (only in Spanish). If someone thinks that such information is valuable also for foreign readers, it will be translated in future updates of this homepage. Suggestions about this can be sent to the contact addresses below.
GTLI does not sell, buy or interchange Lucanidae. Any capture or interchange will be done for strictly scientific purposes only and after obtaining the required legal autorization.
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Página creada en octubre 2000; actualizaciones: 2002, 2003, 2005. -- Homepage created October 2000; updated: 2002, 2003, 2005.