36. Biogeografía de áreas y Biogeografía de
artrópodos holárticos y mediterráneos Fermín Martín-Piera e Isabel Sanmartín
La mayor parte de las filogenias disponibles indican que, en general, se puede hablar de una región Holártica en la que dominan las relaciones continentales: región Neártica versus Paleártica. No obstante, las relaciones paleocontinentales (Asiamérica versus Euramérica) y las distribuciones disyuntas, son relativamente más frecuentes entre los grupos de alto rango taxonómico. La acumulación incesante de datos, sugiere que no sólo la región Neártica occidental (como infieren muchos biogeógrafos) sino también el paleocontinente Asiamérica, parecen haber jugado un gran papel histórico como área ancestral (centro de origen y 'punto de partida' de dispersiones) de numerosos grupos de Artrópodos holárticos, especialmente, en niveles taxonómicos de alto rango (familias). Los análisis filogenéticos de Artrópodos mediterráneos, principalmente Insectos, indican que la cuenca mediterránea es un área con una historia biogeográfica compleja en la que se repiten eventos de dispersión (linajes transmediterráneos) y vicarianza a lo largo de su historia. En ella, se reconocen numerosas áreas de endemismo (Península Ibérica, Magreb occidental y oriental, Córcega, Cerdeña, Alpes, Italia, Balcanes y Anatolia), pero los resultados indican claramente que un mismo área puede ser el escenario de múltiples historias biogeográficas. Así, mientras la Península Ibérica, resulta ser el área ancestral para algunos grupos, muestra una condición biogeográfica derivada en otros. Otras áreas insulares, como Sicilia, también manifiestan la misma incongruencia biogeográfica. Los autores reconocen que la biogeografía histórica aun no ha alcanzado suficiente madurez científica, pero consideran que es tan sólo una cuestión de tiempo y rechazan firmemente que los resultados de estas investigaciones, sean narraciones irrefutables arraigadas en un mero diletantismo científico. Palabras clave: Filogenia, Biogeografía Histórica, Dispersión, Vicarianza, Región Holártica, Artrópodos. Taxon and Area Biogeography of the Holarctic and Mediterranean Arthropods Abstract: After a brief historical overview on concepts and methods of historical biogegraphy, the contribution of phylogenetic and biogeographic studies on Artrhopods to the knowledge of historical biogeography of the holarctic paleocontinents and, in particular, of the Mediterranean region is reviewed. Different biogeographic scenarios which have been proposed to explain the actual distribution and spatial evolution of Mediterranean taxa are discussed, using examples for some groups of arthropods endemic to this area. Most available phylogenies support the Holarctic as a real biogeographic region, where continental faunistic relationships can be recognized (Nearctic versus Palaearctic) as the most dominant within groups. Nevertheless, paleocontinental biogeographic relationships (Asiamerica versus Euramerica) and disjunt distributional patterns, are relatively more frequent among higher taxanomic rank. It seems clear also from these studies that not only the western Nearctic but also the Eastern Palaearctic (i.e. the entire Asiamerican paleocontinent), have played a bigger role as ancestral area (center of origins or 'starting points' for dispersions) for many groups of Arthropods, as far as family-clades are concerned. Phylogenetic studies of mediterranean Artrhopods, mostly Insects, indicate that historical biogeography of the Circum-Mediterranean basin has been complicated by succesive events of dispersal and vicariance. Biogeogtraphic analyses recognized many different areas of endemism (Iberian Peninsula, Wester and Eastern Magreb, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Alps, Italy, Balkans, and Anatolia), but also indicate that the same area, can be the scenario of multiple biogeogrpahic histories. Thus, while Iberian Peninsula appears to be the ancestral areas for some groups of Arthropods, whereas showing a biogeographic 'derived' condition for others. Other insular areas, such as Sicily, also shows this incongruence, in their cladogram biogeographic "position" for alternative biogeographic inferences. We recognize that historical biogeography has not still reached a sufficient degree of scientific maturity, but consider that it will be do in the near future. We firmly reject that the results of modern biogeographic approaches, are merely untestable narrative hypothesis, based on a scientific dilettantism. Key words: Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography, Dispersal, Vicariance, Holarctic Region, Arthropods.
37. Individualismo y Adaptación Espacial: un nuevo enfoque para explicar la distribución geográfica de las especies Jorge M. Lobo Resumen: En este trabajo se revisan los fundamentos, los problemas y la aportación del paradigma individualista al estudio de la distribución geográfica de las especies. En esencia, esta visión del mundo natural propone que: i) la respuesta principal de los organismos ante las modificaciones ambientales es la variación de su distribución, ii) las adaptaciones son el resultado de decisiones evolutivas antiguas y no de la selección hacia las condiciones ambientales en las que se encuentra actualmente la especie, y iii) que las comunidades son asociaciones transitorias de especies. Si la distribución actual de una especie es el resultado de acoplar espacialmente sus adaptaciones eco-fisiológicas heredadas, se sugiere que la elaboración de modelos predictivos utilizando diversas variables ambientales, puede permitir estimar la distribución potencial de una especie. La comparación entre la distribución potencial y la real podría ser una herramienta útil para comprender los patrones y procesos implicados en la actual composición faunística y la diversidad de un territorio. Palabras clave: Distribución geográfica, Adaptación espacial, Paradigma individualista, Predicción de distribuciones. Individualism and Spatial Adaptation: a new approach to explain the geographical distribution of species Abstract: In this paper, I review the fundaments and problems of the individualistic paradigm, and its relevance on the study of the geographical distribution of species. Briefly, this approach propose that: i) the main response of species to environmental changes is to track their preferred conditions in the geographical space; ii) the adaptations are the result of ancestral evolutionary events, rather than the result of gradual selection to the present environmental conditions where the species live; and iii) present-day communities are provisional associations of species. If the present-day distribution of one species is due to the spatial fit of their ecophysiological adaptations, perform predictive models using different environmental variables can allow us to estimate the potential distribution of species. I suggest that comparing potential and real distributions may be an useful methodological tool to understand the patterns and processes concerned with both faunistic composition and diversity of the areas. Key words: Geographical distribution, Spatial adaptation, Individualistic paradigm, Predicted distributions.
38. Contrastación de hipótesis explicativas de la distribución de la diversidad específica de arañas (Arachnida, Araneae) en las Islas Canarias. Raimundo Real, Jesús Olivero, José Carlos Guerrero, J.
Mario Vargas y Ana Luz Márquez
Palabras clave: Arañas, Islas Canarias, Riqueza específica, Heterogeneidad de hábitat, Insularidad. Test of explanatory hypotheses about the distribution of spider (Arachnida, Araneae) species diversity in the Canary Islands. Abstract: In this paper we analysed the geographic trends of the spider species number in the Canary Islands. Using published distribution data, we recorded: a) the total number of species, b) the number of species endemic of the archipelago, c) the number of species exclusive of one island, and d) the number of non-endemic species, present in each island. For each of these indices of diversity we tested eight hypotheses about the causes of their geographic variation: 1) evolutionary time, 2) habitat heterogeneity, 3) climatic stability, 4) intermediate disturbances, 5) favorableness-severity, 6) energy availability, 7) productivity, and 8) the theory of island biogeography. For all the indices of spider diversity, the best explanatory hypothesis was that of the habitat heterogeneity. In the Canary Islands the number of spider species is always higher in the islands with a higher diversity of ecosystems. For the total species number, the number of endemic species, and the number of species exclusive of one island, the hypothesis of favorableness-severity played a secondary but significant role. The spider especies number is lower in the islands with higher potential evapotranspiration, the number of endemic species is lower in the islands with higher temperature, and the number of exclusive species is lower in the islands with higher precipitation, always after statistically controlling the effect of the habitat heterogeneity. Key words: Spiders, Canary Islands, Species richness, Habitat heterogeneity, Insularity.
39. Métodos de interpretación de los procesos de colonización en las Islas Canarias: el caso de los tenebriónidos (Coleoptera, Insecta) J. Mario Vargas, José Carlos Guerrero, Raimundo Real, Jesús
Olivero y Ana Luz Márquez
Palabras clave: Biogeografía, Tenebriónidos, Islas Canarias, Insularidad, Colonización, PAE. Interpretation methods for colonization processes in the Canary Islands: tenebrionids (Coleoptera, Insecta) as a case-study. Abstract: In this paper, we analysed the colonization proccesses that presumably are responsible for the present darkling beetles species composition in the Canary Islands. First we made a synthesis of the existing biogeographic knowledge about darkling beetles in the Canary Islands. In this way, we summarized the results of different colonization proccesses, inferred from both the dispersionist approach and the cladistic approach based on the philogeny of two endemic genera. In a second stage, we provided a new insight into the recent biotic interchanges happened between islands. We stablished the present distribution pattern of darkling beetles in the Canary Islands using parsimonious analysis of endemicity (PAE), starting from the presences/absences matrix of 134 species in the seven islands. The result of such analysis was a classification tree of the islands in which terminal dychotomies are assumed to represent recent biotic interchanges. This analysis was then repeated considering only the endemic species. We generated and tested several hypotheses to explain the current species composition, so concluding that the present darkling beetles species composition of the Canary Islands is the result of a internal colonization proccess within the archipielago, so that the nearest islands and the islands with similar area and maximum elevation share a more similar biota. These hypotheses are suitable for the whole fauna and for the endemic species, and allow us to reconcile the influence of both ecological and historical factors that were pointed out by other authors to account for the colonization proccesses. Key words: Biogeography, Darkling beetles, Canary Islands, Insularity, Colonization, PAE.
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